See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, (16) redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  (17) Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.  (18) And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, (19) speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, (20) giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

The letter to the Ephesians was written by the Apostle Paul.  In this letter, Paul has just finished telling the faithful in Ephesus that they are now children of God – children of the light. He continues this thought with the warning that this world is spiritually dark/evil – that the unbeliever has corrupt goals and lives the way of this world with no eternal values. He/she lives for nothing which will last or has meaning – no true satisfaction, no joy, no eternal truth – everything in this world is dying. We are hardwired for Gods presence in our lives and without God our lives are futile.

Some years ago Lynn Redgrave wrote a play about her then deceased grandmother.   Lynn herself was just months from dying as she read the script to an audience – sick enough at the time she had to sit while reading. Lynn’s story tells us of the grandmother as a young girl so eager to be married and out in the world living the mysterious free adult life.  When the girl in the story marries, her dreams are shattered – she has nothing but distaste for her husband, and disinterest in her children – until the birth of her last child, her son. She loves this child obsessively and pours all her energies and love into satisfying his every wish.  She smothers him causing all the children turn from her as they grow older.  Her husband dies and as she never accepted him or knew him, it barely makes a dent in her life. There is no God in her life, only her errant love for her son.  She is only counting time, never thinking of her walk in life, moving day to day with no eternal focus or direction.   At an advanced age grandmother has a heart attack and dies – and her final thoughts were “I thought I had more time”.  I thought – time for what???   This story is a classic example of living a futile and tragic life.

In the verses we study today, Paul is telling us there is no time but now. C.S. Lewis tells us the same thing in his fabulous story, The Great Divorce.   We are told to walk – to live – thoughtfully and carefully,  fully aware that the world we live In Is evil and has an expiration date.  Gods eternal plan has been made known and we are today living in but a shadow of future reality.  Paul, as Gods chosen instrument, tells us how to live with eternal values in the indwelling Spirit – how to live in peace and harmony.  The benchmarks of such living are joy and spiritual growth.  Such eternal blessings are there if we only say yes.

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